Gender/ing guides how we view ourselves, the world around us, and each other—including non-humans. We reviewed the case of Pepper, a gender-ambiguous humanoid robot.
Designing robots with nonverbal cues may foster more natural, inviting, and accessible experiences.
Dark patterns and deceptive designs (DPs) are elements of the user interface that trick people. We are all deceptible.
"Kawaii" is the Japanese notion of cute. This socio-cultural phenomenon is linked to positive attitudinal and behavioural effects for visual phenomena. How about kawaii voice?
Maldaimonic game user experiences characterize meaningful play that has an evil, but not intentionally harmful, bent.
The AI we use on a daily basis needs to be explainable, and those explanations need to be trustworthy and reliable.
Gender is a human construct, but how does it work for humanlike interactive agents: are they ambiguous? Multifarious? Or can they be gender-neutral?