Got a question? Maybe we have an answer

Before you reach out, check out these common questions—and our answers to them. Jump to the English Q&A

  • I want to join your lab! What skills do I need?
  • You’ll need at least two of critical thinking, interface design, development, and/or research skills, as well as a keen interest in one of our research themes, if not a specific project.
  • Can I apply as a master’s student through the IGP program?
  • Possibly. Please email me with the following:
    • Your current program and university
    • Which IGP program
    • Whether you have funding, e.g., through MEXT
    • Which research themes or project you wish to work on
    • A brief research question and proposal
    • Your CV, transcripts, and English test scores (if needed)
    • This code, so that I know you’ve read this:【ASPIRING24】
  • Are you accepting Ph.D. students or postdocs?
  • Only if you have funding relevant to one of our research themes, if not a specific project.
  • Are you accepting international exchange students?
  • Yes, if you apply and are accepted to a funded program. Here’s some options.
  • What language/s do you use in the lab?
  • Lab seminars and classes are conducted primarily in English. We can do one-on-one meetings in English and Japanese.

Still have a question? Feel free to email me.

Department of Industrial Engineering and Economics
Institute of Science Tokyo (formerly Tokyo Institute of Technology)

2-12-1 Ookayama, Meguru-ku, Tokyo
152-8552 JAPAN

seaborn.k.aa [[at]] m (dot) titech {dot}