Deceptive design strategies. Coercive user interfaces. Hidden consequences for users. Dark commercial patterns. Tricky patterns. Manipulative patterns. Wicked patterns.
Dark patterns (DPs) and their ilk are elements of the user interface that steer consumer decision-making and behaviour in ways that benefit the shareholders but result in user harms. Assisted by JST PRESTO grant, Dr. Seaborn and the Aspire Lab are tackling this wide-scale ethical design challenge with cultural sensitivity.
日常的なインターフェイスにおける ダーク・パターンの発見と解体
Discovering and Dismantling Dark Patterns in Everyday Interfaces
Our goals are to untangle the nature of DPs in Japan, discover how are they perceived by professionals and the public, and explore how they can be redressed. We will carry out exploratory and confirmatory research on the Japanese consumer context and beyond. We will develop and evaluate educational and protection platforms. The contributions will be a human-centered risk-benefit framework, culturally-sensitive knowledge about DPs, and platforms for enabling a future free of deception.
October 2024 to March 2028
Principal Investigators & Collaborators
Prof. Katie Seaborn (Science Tokyo)
Funding & Web

Open Data
Core Team

- Dr. Katie Seaborn
- シーボーン・ケイティー博士
- Principal Investigator
- 主任研究者
- Topics:
Anything and everything
- Xiaodan Gloria Zhang
- 張 瀟丹 (チョウ・ショウタン・グロリア)
- Ph.D. Student
- 博士課程学生
- Topics:
Maldaimonic orientations and DPs, DPs in gaming contexts

- Miu Kojima
- 小島未宇
- Master's Student
- 修士課程
- Topics:
Sentiment analysis and affective responses
- Yijia Wang
- ワン・イジャ
- Ph.D. Student
- 博士課程学生
- Topics:
Kawaii as a DP

- Jo Yukami
- 湯上 晟
- B4 Student
- B4学部生
- Topics:
Consumer relations and UX
- Hiroki Kamakura
- 鎌倉 裕希
- B4 Student
- B4学部生
- Topics:
Prevalence in e-commerce websites
Calls for Research Participation
目標は、「ダークパターン 」というレッテルを貼られたデザインについて、プロフェッショナルがどのように感じているかを深く理解することです。プロはダークパターンについて知る必要はないし、使ったこともないです。参加は対面でもオンラインでも可能。参加費(~1時間)には報酬が支払われます。