News Archive・ニュース一覧
PRESTO website Updated!
New Paper Published!
New Paper Published
Juicy Text: Onomatopoeia and Semantic Text Effects for Juicy Player Experiences
Latest updates on Noetic!
New Grant: JST PRESTO・さきがけ
We’re now Institute of Science Tokyo (Science Tokyo)!
Professor Ilaria Torre (Chalmers, Sweden) just gave a fantastic talk on voice and nonverbal behaviour for robots!
From “Made In” to Mukokuseki: Exploring the Visual Perception of National Identity in Robots
Preprint Japanese translation of the Ambivalent Ageism Scale for Japan
Professor Ilaria Torre (Sweden) is coming
Proceedings of the dark patterns and deceptive designs workshop at CHI ’24
Dr. Katie Seaborn appointed Associate Editor at ACM THRI
Lecture at the University of Tokyo
Awarded JSPS Kiban B grant
Publications at arXiv
Deceptive, Disruptive, No Big Deal: Japanese People React to Simulated Dark Commercial Patterns rocked!
Award-winner! CHI '24 paper
Futuring Site Selection (SIGCHI Medium article)
Guest speaker (CUI@CHI 2024) is on
Now on YouTube! NHK Dark Patterns Study
Final call for audience members of parachitokyo to Sunday April 28th
Last call for!
What does the global power of kawaii say about us?
Hosting a dark patterns and deceptive design researcher
New Website Released
NHK web article about dark patterns on Nov. 14th, 2023 Hybrid Experience
Check out the awesome Collaboration Room we've booked for para.chi.toyko!
4月3日(水) NHKクローズアップ現代放送予定
Deadline Extended to April 20th!
New Journal Paper Published
Press Release: Yomiuri・読売新聞
Dr. Seaborn was interviewed by Yomiuri on dark patterns and deceptive design. シーボーン博士は読売新聞の取材を受け、ダークパターンと欺瞞的なデザインについて語りました。
Join on Monday, May 13th, 2024! Sign up by March 31st, 2024 here: Details here:
CfP: CHI '24 Workshop
Call for participation! CHI '24 workshop on Mobilizing Research and Regulatory Action on Dark Patterns and Deceptive Design Practices (Due Feb. 14)
Press Release: Tokyo Tech
Our research on dark patterns and deceptive designs in Japan has been published on Tokyo Tech News (English-only).
Press Release: NHK
Our research on dark patterns and deceptive designs in Japan was featured on the Ohayo Nippon TV programme this morning and published as an article on the Web Feature List (Japanese-only). 日本におけるダーク・パターンと欺瞞的デザインに関する我々の研究は、今朝のおはよう日本TVで紹介され、ウェブ特集リストに記事として掲載されました。
Press Release: Yomiuri Shinbun・読売新聞
Our research on dark patterns and deceptive designs in Japan is front page news on Yomiuri Shinbun (the most circulated newspaper in Japan; Japanese-only). 日本におけるダーク・パターンと欺瞞的デザインに関する我々の研究は、読売新聞(日本で最も発行部数の多い新聞)の一面を飾った。 日本語の記事
Shiseido Female Researcher Science Grant
Dr. Katie Seaborn is one of ten recipients of the 16th Shiseido Female Researcher Science Grant. Co-PI: Dr. Gentiane Venture (The University of Tokyo・東京大学). Read more | 日本語の記事
Press release: ITmedia News
ITmedia News via Seamless @shiropen has released an article on our research about dark patterns and deceptive designs in Japan, based on our CHI '23 paper. ITmedia News (作家:Seamless @shiropen) が、CHI'23論文に基づく、日本におけるダークパターンや欺瞞的なデザインに関する研究についての記事を公開しました。
Publications at CHI '23
We published two full papers, five short papers, and an alt.CHI paper at CHI '23にて、フルペーパー2本、ショートペーパー5本、alt.CHI論文を発表しました: Transcending the "Male Code", Linguistic Dead-Ends and Alphabet Soup, Can Voice Assistants Sound Cute?, Dis/Immersion in Mindfulness Meditation, "I'm" Lost in Translation, Interacting with Masculinities, Trust and Reliance in ELEMI, & The Systematic Review-lution.
Publication at CSCW '23
Our collaboration on the Wizundry project with City University of Hong Kong is now published at the 2023 ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW '23). Read it for free! 香港城市大学とのWizundryプロジェクトでの共同研究が、CSCW '23に掲載されました。無料でお読みいただけます!
Publications at IJSR
We have two journal papers published at the International Journal of Social Robotics: Voice Over Body? and Not Only WEIRD But "Uncanny"? All free and open access! International Journal of Social Roboticsに「身体より音声?」と「変だけではなく、不気味なの?」の2本のジャーナル論文が掲載されました。いずれも無料オープンアクセスです!
Publication at AHs '23
The DLab ELEMI team has published a full paper to the ACM Augmented Humans '23 conference. Read it here for free! DLab エレミのチームは、ACM Augmented Humans '23 学会にフルペーパーを発表しました。ここから無料で読めます!。
Tokyo Tech Young Investigator Award
Professor Seaborn has received a Tokyo Tech Young Investigator Award for the research theme of "Social Identity Theory for Human-Agent Interaction." 令和4年度には、Seaborn先生は、東工大工学院若手奨励賞を受賞しました。
Publication in Nature journal
Check out our Open Access article entitled "A meta-review of psychological resilience during COVID-19."
Publications at CHI '22
One full paper and 3 short papers (late-breaking work) will be published in the ACM CHI '22 proceedings. Find them here.
Website refresh
Design and content updated. デザイン、コンテンツを更新しました。
Publications at HRI '22
Two short papers were published in the ACM/IEEE HRI '22 proceedings. Find them here.
New Publication in BMJ Open
Protocol for conducting a meta-review of the COVID-19 literature on psychological resilience. Read it free here. サイコロジカルレジリエンスに関するCOVID-19文献のメタレビューを行うためのプロトコルです。こちらから無料でお読みいただけます。
Deadline extended! IEEE RO-MAN BoAB 2021
The deadline for the first-ever workshop on Bots Against Bias has been extended to July 16th. 1-4 pages, free attendance, all virtual.
Press release: RIKEN AIP and Tokyo Tech
RIKEN AIP and Tokyo Tech (department: IEE) have released articles on the CSUR paper.
Press release: AAAS EurekAlert!
"Voice in Human-Agent Interaction: A Survey" has been picked up by AAAS EurekAlert! Read the news article here.
Research published to ACM CSUR (IF=7.990)
Collaborative research with RIKEN AIP has been published to ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR): "Voice in Human-Agent Interaction: A Survey" is Open Access and free to read.
Call for participation: BoAB 2021
We are accepting submissions for the inaugural half-day IEEE RO-MAN 2021 Conference Workshop on Bots Against Bias (BoAB 2021). Virtual, August 9th, 2021 @ 9:00 JST. Deadline: July 2nd, 2021. Details here. 半日のIEEE RO-MAN 2021 Conference Workshop on Bots Against Bias (BoAB 2021)の初回開催に向けて、投稿を受け付けています。仮想、2021年8月9日(月)@9:00JSTです。締め切り:2021年7月2日(金)です。詳細はこちらにご覧ください。
Published 3 LBR papers at CHI 2021
Seaborn: Removing Gamification: A Research Agenda
Seaborn & Urakami: Measuring Voice UX Quantitatively: A Rapid Review
Seaborn, Pennefather, Miyake & Otake-Matsuura: Crossing the Tepper Line: An Emerging Ontology for Describing the Dynamic Sociality of Embodied AI: Crossing the Tepper Line
Received 3-Year JSPS KAKENHI Wakate Grant・3年間の科研費若手
Project "Voice Against Bias" commencing this month.
Welcome to the first Aspire Lab cohort FY21